Well we are in full swing of Cloth Diapering, peeing, pooping and all!
We are actually all surviving!
I just wanted to do a quick post on our set up and see
if anyone has any suggestions or input...
We have invested(or should i say have had people along with ourselves invest)
in the FLIP system by bumgenius.....they are AWESOME!
We love them so far....
We have 11 covers and 36 inserts(on good days where Zach-man
only uses 12 a day that is 3 days worth)....
we also have a stainless steel trashcan, with pail liner
sprayer for those dirty ones
and use the bumgenius odor removing spray...
a few wet bags for out and about and a folding clothes rack!
They are just so so cute on him!
Nothing too fancy here, just the basics
but week one is going pretty well!
Well this is a little bit of our set up....anything you see
that we could improve or have questions about???
I've never seen a spayer hooked to the toilet like that before. That's pretty neat. Where did you come up with that idea from?