Saturday, September 1, 2012

Throughout the years of our marriage God has never cease to provide and more often than not bless abundantly.  We have learned and continue to grow on this adventure with God. Our life by many standards is simple, and honestly God has been teaching us to look for the blessings and honor Him no matter the extravagance or simplicity.  After looking, we almost ALWAYS see Him working in the simple things, so we desire to live simply!
We have lived in nice apartments, with our parents, a spacious 3 bedroom house with huge yard and now a small quaint two bedroom ‘manufactured home’ aka a trailer. We have had two cars, two incomes, eaten out almost daily, spent money on ‘entertainment’ weekly and lived what most people would call a ‘normal’ life(whatever normal is).  
I do want to start off with a disclaimer, I am not saying that any or all of these things are evil, ungodly, less godly or even slightly bad. However, many, if not all of these things, can take your focus and desire off of God, which is a SIN! No, we arent becoming amish (ha ha, I know that is what you are thinking, right?!?!?!) but we have changed alot of the ways that we do things in our home and hopefully this blog will help you see how God is teaching us through these little changes and making a BIG impact our our relationship with Him and with each other

Here are few ways that we are trying to live simply:
  1. One income (Michael is a teacher and I am a stay at home mom!)
  2. One car (gasp...i know....but one car is less on gas, insurance, maintenence, get the point)
  3. Living with only Two bedrooms-this one isnt so much by choice(because it was what we could income people), but after only 2 weeks, I can say that God is stretching and growing us in ways we never thought possible...
  4. Breastfeeding (both of our children have been breast and bottlefed, and have recieved both breastmilk and formula...but lets face it, breastmilk is FREE!)
  5. Making things from scratch(from taco seasoning, cinnamon buns and pizza sauce to bread and snack tastes better, better for you and once again, CHEAP!)
  6. Homemade laundry soap (SMELLS SO GOOD!!!)
  7. Cloth diapers(this is new one for us...i hope to share our experiences with this new ‘adventure’ as it comes)
I am sure there other ways and things that God will challenge us to live simply and do! If you have ways that God has shown you how to live in a more simple way...please share! God Bless!

The Stewarts

1 comment:

  1. love it...and praying for you guys! living simply because of God's abundant grace :)
